今年、私たちは14年ぶりとなる減税を実現し、ニュージーランド国民の83%がより多くの収入を手元に残せるようにしました。また、幼いお子さんを持つご家庭の経済的負担を軽減するために、ファミリーブースト(FamilyBoost)を導入しました。警察の巡回パトロールの強化や新しいギャング対策法により犯罪が減少し、教育や医療への的確な投資が成果を上げています。特に、医療分野には過去最高となる166億8000万ニュージーランドドルを投じています。 しかし、この良い流れを続けるためには、経済をさらに成長させる必要があります。日本は、ニュージーランドにとって4番目に大きな輸出市場であり、私たちの輸出品に高い付加価値を与えるプレミアム市場です。また、日本からは、林業、水産業、再生可能エネルギーといった分野で高品質な長期投資がニュージーランドに提供されています。2023年には、その投資額が80億ニュージーランドドルに達しました。

Our Government has completed one year in office, and we are continuing to take bold action to rebuild the economy, reduce the cost of living, restore law and order, and deliver better health and education.
This year our Government delivered the first tax relief in 14 years, ensuring that 83 per cent of New Zealanders keep more of their money. We also introduced FamilyBoost which is easing financial pressures on families with young children. Increased police foot patrols and new gang laws have contributed to a drop in crime, while targeted investments are improving education and healthcare outcomes, including a record $16.68 billion investment in health.

If we want to continue this good work, we must grow our economy.
Japan is New Zealand’s fourth largest export market and a premium value market for New Zealand exporters. Japan also provides long-term, high-quality investment to New Zealand – to the tune of 8 billion New Zealand dollars in 2023 [1] – including in the fields of forestry, fisheries and renewable energy.
New Zealanders and Japanese people have long-standing connections. We have around 40 sister cities and almost 4,000 young New Zealanders have lived and worked in Japan through the JET programme. More than 200 New Zealanders work in Japan as rugby players, coaches and advisers. Pre-Covid, New Zealand hosted 100,000 tourists and 10,000 students from Japan each year. We want to build these connections back, and more.
Earlier this year I visited Japan, where I concluded our Information Security Agreement and welcomed cooperation in renewable energy, science, and space. In Tokyo, I visited iconic New Zealand companies, providing premium quality goods across Japan. I even had world-famous Japanese sushi using New Zealand salmon!
There is so much more we will achieve together, and I look forward to increased cooperation between our two great countries.
[1] Stock of Japanese investment in New Zealand at year end March 2023