Hello everyone again!
Japan Day is next week! https://jsa.org.nz/japan-day-25-02-2024/
We have exciting free classes that you can learn Japanese language and our culture!
ジャパンデー会場で行われる 日本語と日本文化の講習 のお知らせです。
(日本人でも勿論OK – 特にClass3は面白いです)
詳細は添付のポスターをご参照ください。(cf. poster)

Master Japanese for Free and Snag Your Surprise Gift Today!
Join us for Japanese language classes on Japan Day, 25th February, sponsored by The Japanese Society of Auckland.
All classes and quizzes are free, with souvenirs for participants. Must be over 13 to enrol.
Educators are welcome to take part.
11:30am – 12:15pm Class1: Japanese Scripts Lesson
1:15pm – 2pm Japanese Quiz Time
2:15pm – 3pm Class2: Greetings in Japanese
3:15pm – 4pm Class3: Japan’s Wonders: Fact or Fiction?
Please arrive 5 minutes before the class starts.
Please sign up early as spots are limited. If you can’t make it after signing up, please let us know ASAP out of consideration for others.
Thank you for your interest in Japanese language and culture! We can’t wait to see you in classes!
Kind regards,
Chiko Smyth
Committee Member
Japanese Society of Auckland Inc.
Website: https://www.japanday.org.nz/
Japanese Class at JAPAN DAY Event registration
出典:オークランド日本人会生活部 Japanese Society of Auckland Inc.